My definition of a musical may or may not be slightly different than what you would consider a musical. I consider it a musical if people start randomly singing at inappropriate times. I just feel like that pretty much sums it up. I've also seen some lists that include Disney movies, but I'm not going to do that because I will be doing an animated movie list at some point. So, here we go...

So cheesy, and I like a fair amount of cheese in my movies. I absolutely love Steve Martin's character. Bill Murray's cameo is awesome as well. I love this musical because it's just so incredibly ridiculous. "Feed me, Seymour!"

My main reason for liking this musical is because my woman has a song on the soundtrack. I was so in love with "Lady Marmalade" when it was released. Some friends and I were going to perform it at a school assembly but after it had already be approved, we were told that it was inappropriate and it was canned. It's not like we were going to sing it in lingerie. Anywho, this is a movie that I definitely have to be in the mood to watch. There's something about Nicole Kidman that bugs me, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Overall, I do enjoy this one though.

Most people will probably have no idea what this movie is. Well it's pure awesomeness and cheese. That's what it is! I made Trevor watch this with me once and he absolutely hated me for it. He still complains about it occasionally. I, on the other hand, have loved this movie since I was little. But as I said before, I enjoy a fair amount of cheesiness in my movies. Plus it has a young Johnny Depp in it and he's ridiculously sexy. That should be enough reason right there to love this movie. And I do.

I've always loved this movie, but occasionally the main character gets on my nerves. I have to be in the mood for this one. I've always been a big fan of Carol Burnett though. I think she's hilarious. I also really like Tim Curry because he plays such a diverse range of roles. He's a dick in this movie, but I like him in others. I always thought the littlest girl, Molly, was adorable.

You knew it was going to be on here at some point. This musical is just a classic. I'm not even sure who my favorite character is. I did always like Rizzo though. She had such an attitude and I loved it. The songs are awesome and can always get anyone to join in on a sing-a-long. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Summer Nights" at karaoke. I think this movie holds a lot of memories for a lot of people and will always be loved.

This is another classic that I'm sure holds a lot of memories for people. This movie still makes me laugh. Especially because now that I'm an adult, I get the subtle jokes that I didn't understand as a child. I love it when that happens with movies or cartoons now. My favorite was Veruca Salt, because she was just such a bitch. (I also ended up enjoying the band of the same name, if anyone even knows who they are.) I always wanted to try the fizzy lifting drink. Flying would be so awesome! I would like to be able to get back down though. I can't make myself burp so I'd be screwed. I also have never watched the remake of this. While I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, I refuse to let that awful remake ruin my wonderful memories of the original.

Ahhh!! I did not think I would end up loving this movie so much. I couldn't even tell you how many times I've seen it. Even Trevor loved this one. Jennifer Hudson rules this movie and does such an amazing job. She deserved every bit of praise she received for her performance. I do have to say that my favorite song from this movie is Beyonce's "Listen" though. No matter how many times I've watched this, I still cry every single time. There is such power behind those lyrics and her voice is just like whoa! I've always known she was a phenomenal singer, but that song is just incredible!

The first time I saw this was in 6th grade choir. I was not looking forward to watching it because I thought musicals were annoying as fuck. Thankfully, to my surprise, I ended up really liking this movie. At first, I thought it was only ok, but the more times I watched it, the more I began to love it. I'm not exactly sure what it is that I like so much, but this musical holds a special place in my heart. Maybe it just reminds me of why I love to sing so much.

I had a hard time debating between this one and The Sound Of Music. I love them both so much, but I had to put an order to this somehow. I'm not exactly sure why, but this one got the higher spot. This would be one of those Tim Curry roles that I absolutely LOVE! A lot of people don't even realize that it's him in the lead. (He also plays Pennywise in the movie IT. Mind blown, right?) This is another one that is full of a lot of cheese and I love the shit out of it! The songs are so much fun, Susan Sarandon is in it, and it has a Meatloaf cameo. Come on now!

For anyone who knows me, this should not be a surprise. This has pretty much been my favorite movie since birth. I just recently got to see it on broadway and it was amaze-balls! I was in tears when it ended, because I'm a sap and a loser. This is another one of those classics that I don't feel really needs a bunch of explanation, other than it's fantastic! I usually watch this when I'm in a bad mood because it always makes me feel better. It's probably all because of Toto. Not really, but I want to steal him. I also always wanted Glinda's dress. Now that I'm older, I realize how incredibly wrong that is. I just like glitter.
I also have some honorable mentions. There are a few others that I enjoyed, but weren't good enough to make my top 10. Those would include:
I was surprised that I enjoyed this one. I do love Meryl Streep though. I thought it was super cute.
So full of cheese and it's amazing! I pretty much love anything that screams 80's and this movie does just that. Actually, I think this needs to be watched again soon.
I am a huge fan of the Beatles, so I was really excited when this came out. I actually only watched it for the first time within the last year. I'm a little late, I know. I was kind of disappointed with it. It was just hard for me to pay attention the whole time. It still gets an honorable mention because of The Beatles though. And I like Evan Rachel Wood.
A lot of people probably don't even know that this exists. Well, it does and I love it! I love Michelle Pfeiffer and this is kind of a strange role for her. At least it is in my opinion. Again, this is full of cheese and it's awesome.
There was so much hype behind this movie that I didn't want to watch it at first. I'm glad I finally did. It made me really like Anna Kendrick. I thought it was super cute and I could definitely see myself watching this again.
And now for the ones that I thought were shit:
I made it about half way through this one and had to stop. It's not the worst movie by any means. It was just boring to me.
It makes me really sad when I think of how terrible this movie is. As I said before, I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but this movie is just awful. I tried watching it a second time and I couldn't do it.
I don't really have much to say about this one. I saw it a long time ago and didn't care for it. The end.
I saw this because my best friend in 6th/7th grade was completely obsessed with Madonna. I don't remember anything about it at all. I just remember that I thought it was boring and way too long. But I was told I should give it a second viewing. I'm sure it was too much for a 6th/7th grade brain. Or maybe that's just me.
My real motivation for watching this in the first place was Gerard Butler. It didn't really keep my attention. I should probably give this one another try too. Gerard deserves it.
While I appreciate cheese, and probably more so than most, this was way too much for me. And John Travolta as the mom was just strange.
I am very, VERY confused as to why this was ever made. Just. Awful.
I have only seen this once and to be honest, I don't really remember much about it. So, it's not that it was terrible, it's just that I can't remember.
I wanted this to be good so badly! It has a lot of awesome people in it, but it just turned out to be crap. So disappointed. A complete waste of time.
There are my thoughts on musicals. Feel free to share your opinions with me. These are literally the only ones I've seen. I think. I could be forgetting a couple. Let me know which ones you think I should watch and which ones you think I'm completely right or wrong about. I'd love to hear your thoughts. <3
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